How to Drink More Water and Why It’s Important

How to Drink More Water and Why It’s Important
Drinking water is essential for our health and wellbeing. From keeping our brain healthy to helping our joints function (NHS), there are so many reasons why we must drink plenty of water each day. Sometimes, however, it’s easy to fall into the habit of not drinking enough.
In this guide, we’ve shared our top tips on how to drink more water, as well as all the reasons why you should. Hitting your hydration goals doesn’t have to be tricky. You just need to learn how to sip regularly and enjoy water (which is easy with tasty sparkling water like DASH’s).
Let’s start with how much water you should be drinking per day and why it’s important.
How much water should you drink a day?
According to the British Nutrition Foundation, the amount of water you should drink each day varies, but the general guideline in the UK is about 6 to 8 glasses, or around 2 litres.
However, your personal needs depend on factors like your age, activity level, and the weather. If you're active or it's hot outside, you might need more. A good rule is to listen to your body - drink when you're thirsty and pay attention to the colour of your urine; if it's pale yellow, you're likely well-hydrated. It’s best to take regular sips throughout the day to stay healthy and hydrated.
What counts towards daily water intake?
Not only plain water, but other beverages and even certain foods contribute to your daily hydration. Drinks like herbal tea, fruit-infused water, and milk count towards your water intake (NHS). Fruits and veggies with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, and oranges, also play a role. Just remember, while coffee and tea can count, too much caffeine might have a mild diuretic effect (British Nutrition Foundation). So, aim for a variety of hydrating options to keep your water levels in check and your body happy.
Why is water important?
Think of water as a superhero for your body. Just like how your favourite superhero saves the day, water swoops in to save your health. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly (Nutracheck). It's like the fuel that keeps your body's engine running smoothly.
Drinking water also acts as a cleaner. By helping the body flush out any waste and toxins, it helps your kidneys do their job (Kidney Research).
Water is also great for your skin. When you're hydrated, your skin can look its best – all glowy and fresh (National Library of Medicine). And if you want your joints to stay happy, water helps there too by acting like a cushion (Nutracheck). It keeps your joints moving smoothly and helps you bend, stretch, and dance without any hiccups.
And don't forget about your brain! Drinking water can help you think clearly and stay focused. Even a little bit of dehydration can make you feel tired and fuzzy-headed (NHS). So, by sipping water, you're helping your brain stay in tip-top shape.
How to drink more water
If you’re looking for ways to drink more water, take a look at our top tips below. You’ll soon learn to love water as much as we do here at DASH!
- Keep a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go. Having it handy will remind you to take sips throughout the day.
- Try more exciting alternatives to plain water such as sparkling water, infused water or herbal teas.
- Use your phone or an app to set regular reminders to drink water.
- Add flavour to your water by popping in lemon slices, cucumber ribbons, or a handful of berries.
- Plan to drink water at specific times, like before meals or after waking up. It'll soon become a healthy habit.
- Use a notebook or an app to track how much water you're drinking. Seeing your progress can be motivating.
- Make it a rule to have a glass of water with every meal. It's an easy way to boost your intake.
- Munch on juicy, water-rich fruits like watermelon or cucumber slices - they're delicious and hydrating.
- Challenge yourself to finish a certain amount of water by the end of the day. It's like a little game!
- Remember, your body knows best. Drink when you're thirsty, and you'll naturally drink more water.
How do you know if you need to drink more water?
Your body has a way of sending signals when it's thirsty. If you're feeling parched or your mouth feels dry, it's a clear sign to grab a glass of water. Also, keep an eye on the colour of your urine – if it's pale yellow, you're doing well, but if it's darker, it's a hint that you might need more water. Feeling tired, having a headache, or having trouble concentrating can also mean your body needs more hydration (NHS). Trust your body's cues and you’ll soon get into the habit of drinking more water.
Does sparkling water count towards your daily water intake?
Yes, indeed! Sparkling water can contribute to your daily hydration. While it might have some bubbles, it's mostly water, just with a bit of carbonation for fun. However, be mindful of added sugars or artificial flavours in some sparkling drinks. Opt for plain or naturally flavoured options, such as DASH’s, to get all the benefits. So, go ahead and enjoy the fizz while staying hydrated!
Does flavoured water count towards your daily water intake?
Yes, flavoured water can count towards your daily hydration goals. Whether it's infused with fruits, herbs, or natural flavours, it's still water at its core. Just be cautious of flavoured waters that might contain added sugars or artificial additives. Instead, opt for naturally flavoured waters that have no calories, sweeteners or sugar, like DASH’s. You’ll find lots of tasty flavours with real fruit, such as lemon, mango and peach sparkling water.
Shop DASH today to make drinking water easy and enjoyable. You can take your pick from a range of flavours and when you’ve found your favourite, you can even try a sparkling water subscription.